I was wrong. My bad day was not getting better and lack of sleep plus hunger turned out to be my weakening kryptonite that resulted in overly bright green eyes that would lead a perceptive person to certain conclusions. I did not cry...but it was close. Just like how something small can be the catalyst for good things, sometimes, all it takes is one little bad thing to set things off the other way. Today is was ambiguity over who ordered the pizza and whether or not it was for everyone or not. I know, I know-weird, right? But it was 1pm and my graham cracker breakfast had let me down long ago and the $2 and change in my purse really didn't have my hopes too high for a satisfying lunch.
But I digress...
The point is,
Steven gave me a list of things to think about to cheer up and he totally made me laugh not only because he was dead on but because of what a weird list it is. And now, taken straight from his email, the list of things to make me happy:
1. It's your Friday!
2. Tomorrow is a birthday celebration!
3. Puppies!
4. Muse!
5. Connecticut!
6. Yale!
7. Carnegie Hall!
8. OC!
9. Brad Pitt!
10. Friends trivia!
11. Gilmore Girls!
12. Scotland!
I think he only forgot math, Tony Blair and tomatoes and he would have encapsulated my being in that list. I was impressed.
If only I hadn't gone to lunch, I would have had them all.
And then you realise that it's nothing.
Or are you not referencing the Idlewild song?
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