
Saturday, September 15, 2007

When You Were Young

I want to meet the Kindergarten me. I'm in this class right now that is about identification of the gifted and talented and I recently acquired the forms used to begin the process of identification for the county where I went to school. I asked my mom the other day what I was like as a 6 year old, but, being the mom she is, she merely said I was "adorable" and "inquisitive". Is it possible for a 27 year old to get a hold of her academic file from 20 years ago? If so, I want it. I want to go back in time and see myself as a little kid new to school.

My memory of elementary school isn't very good, actually. I remember my Kindergarten teacher and aide and various aspects of the year, but much of it is sort of blank. I know I never napped that year and would instead try to stake a spot by the quiet toys so I could entertain myself for that 1/2 hour. I remember staying after on certain days (although for what reason, I don't know) and playing with a robotic-like car thing. I remember the time I took my mom's lipstick to school and put it on in the bathroom, thinking I could emerge without anyone noticing. Bright. Red. Lipstick. I remember the time we were in such a hurry for me to make it to school in time that I forgot to put knickers on (slut). I remember sitting at the little cluster of desks and rewriting on every paper I had that my new name was "Ginny." I didn't want to have the unique name and, even though my mom wouldn't let me be the oh so popular "Jenny" she did allow me to alter my middle name of Virginia. I remember my teacher crushing my spirit by telling me that my name was not Ginny, it was Scarlet.

I am so grateful that happened.

It's weird to be 27 and to think to being 6.


Anonymous said...

The only real image I have of kindergarten is my best friend peeing on the carpet during quiet time and trying to run out of the room at the end of the day like it didn't happen.

Ant said...

I get that "if I could go back and do it all again with the confidence I have now" thing now and then...

Still - it's what defines us isn't it? Hmmm, the crisp air is making us philosophical...

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad. I actually wanted to change my name to "Sally" when I was that age. I was going to insert it as my "second" middle name.

minijonb said...

i've got it worse. i feel like i'm 37 and i haven't learned a thing since i was 6.

Cheryl said...

Hmmm. Now I am starting to see what I remember from Kindergarten. I remember mostly play time. And my teacher having me read to the class. And learning right from left and how to tie my shoes. I remember being in the purple group for show and tell. And my friend's mom having a baby. Oh, and "writing" a book about me.

Unknown said...

I actually ate paste. Who does that?

Marissa said...

i love this post! i think about the younger me a lot too. okay - i did the same thing with the bright red lipstick! i was in kindergarten, and i incited all the other girls to do it too. i got in so much trouble...

Anonymous said...

I remember playing "house" and we had the COOLEST toys. Including a real phone, that wasn't plugged in, obviously. But I remember that being the coolest damn thing. And all the girls used to fight over it.

And then my most vivid memory? We had to color an octopus's legs 8 different colors. And I didn't. Because I was 5. And the teacher gave me an F! And a frowny face!

I'm still scarred.

Alison Santighian said...

Just because I want them so badly (brilliant idea - never would've thought of it), I'm sure they've sealed all sorts of records like that. I can just imagine the power trips among siblings (OK, mine).