
Thursday, July 06, 2006

Apologies To Insect Life

The plan was to wake up at 5 and get to work by 630am to not only make up hours from Monday but to finish the effing Newsletter that needs to go out with the checks this afternoon*. So when my alarm went off at 4am, like it always does to give me the feeling of getting more sleep, I reached over to reset it for 5:01am (don't ask). But then I heard a weird noise. Not the kind of noise that convinces you the boogeyman is in fact real and hiding in your closet or the kind of noise that comes with end of the world thunder and causes you to instinctively hope and prayer for a power outage and therefore no work. No, this was the sound of something foriegn** in my bedroom and I quickly deduced that it was in fact, a bug.

Now, being the entomological expert I once was, I would know to say insect if I was sure my new friend had six legs, but since I never really saw him, I can't say for sure. What I can say is that knowing there is a bug on your ceiling makes it VERY difficult to fall back asleep. By the time it was 5am and my alarm had gone off even though I never fell back asleep and I was by then emailing Steven because sleep was the last thing on my mind, I knew I needed to either get up and start my day or change locations to get some more sleep.

Now, had I not originally gotten up at 4am in a haze that turned to grossed out-ness*** and fear, I would have just gotten up at my predetermined time. I knew, though, that attempting my very long day on a measly four hours of sleep would not be the best idea so I decided to sleep until 5:45 (6:00) on the love seat/Lazyboy in the living room which got me to work at 7:10 which is still ungodly in my opinion.

I don't know what kind of bug was in my room and even though I love insects and find them fascinating, I never want one falling on my face.

That picture makes me throw up a little. And no, there are no bugs like that in my room-UGH! But just since it's the subject at hang, the following are bugs that make me want to barf:


(No, cockroaches are NOT on my list. Sure, I don't want them to live with me but, they don't really gross me out like they do some people. Maybe it's from dissecting a live one once...)

*Got word that the checks are delayed and might not come til tomorrow, AWESOME!
**someTHING not someONE
***Uhh, new word.


Unknown said...

I've always disliked bugs with an unrivaled intensity. I would have had to stalk it and send it to its grave before I had peace.

lala said...

omg, when i lived in richmond i ALWAYS had bugs that looked like the one in the picture in my house....they FREAK ME OUT. i found one in my bathroom the other day. please tell me how it got into my third story condo with no windows open. and if there's one, does that mean there are others???

Miss Scarlet said...

Flameon- I was afraid of what I'd find. And I've never been good at killing them.

Lala- I always felt fortunate in Richmond to not have 'roaches. I hate the milli/centipede-like bugs. They are THE WORST. BLECH!

Anonymous said...

We used to have a pet millipede in my high school biology class. I always wanted one of my own. I like caterpillars too. Centipedes can stay under their rocks though.


Sparklebot said...

Bugs have no business invading my space. I will happily allow them to live and roam free outside of my home, but inside, all must die.

I wake up an hour early to trick myself into feeling like I've gotten more sleep too.

Anonymous said...

I sometimes get the bugs in my house, but usually I don't notice them until my cats start going ape-shit trying to catch them. (That's real pleasant at 3am when you're trying to sleep...) I don't worry about the bugs getting on me. Instead, I worry about one of the cats eating a bug that turns out to be poisonous to them and I'll wake up four hours later to a dead cat on my floor.

And the centipede/caterpillar species doesn't really freak me out. I used to catch them and let them crawl on me. (Sorry if I just made you throw up in your mouth a little Scarlet...)


Miss Scarlet said...

Smash- I agree about the bugs staying where they belong (OUTSIDE!).

Cindy- Ew, that's gross;) I didn't even have caterpillars in my insect collection in college because they grossed me out so much.