
Monday, July 31, 2006

Supermassive Black Hole

I always hesitate to complain*. Ok, that's a lie. I hesitate to complain in this type of forum where I know people have bigger and worse problems than I do. In fact, to some, I have no problems at all and should shut the hell up. But whatever, this is my blog, and I'll complain about anything I want.

So semi-breaking my previous "Don't mention work" rule, I have to say that work sort of sucks right now. Things are shifting around to accomodate different things and to alleviate certain problems which has resulted in my job changing quite a bit. Now, I know I should be grateful to even have a job, and I am. But it's not the job I want and I'm afraid it's going to cause me to hate waking up in the morning for more than just the fact that pre-7am is un-Godly. Even back when I would come to work 3 days a week on less than five hours of sleep I never hated it here. But now? I'm about to cry...and Cindy? Keep this to yourself!!! There's a fine line between being given more/different responsibilities and being asked to do something that you weren't hired to do. And not even that it's not what I was hired to because I definitely understand having to make changes for the good of the company, but this is Day 1 of my new shit and I am miserable.

My immediate problem with this is that the mood work is putting me in makes me cuss...A LOT. I think I may have whispered "motherfucker" to someone on the phone by accident. But if you're calling on the GD phone then learn to speak clearly so I can understand who you need to speak to. It really can't be held against me if I cuss as a result of dealing with morons. People around here should feel lucky I haven't started throwing stuff.

*Not to friends/family. Petty complains to friends and family are expected and allowed. "Woe is me, my hair is frizzy" is fine to them.


Unknown said...

Sorry, boo : ( I know how it is to hate something and let the cuss words fly. You've seen me on a bad day at the barn.

dara said...

I sympathize and/or empathize. Getting hired to do one thing, and winding up doing something completely different sucks.

I bitch about work a lot, too -- and like you, I try to avoid doing it on the blog -- but then I wind up coming to the same conclusion: Money's more addictive than crack.

Anonymous said...

If you hate it. Dread it. And resent it. You don't need to be there.

lala said...

haha, the mother effer line cracked me up.

but seriously...the moment you wake up because your heart is racing and you feel like vomming at the thought of going to work, it's time to pull up your stakes and move on out.

easier said than done, i know.

Anonymous said...

Of course I'll keep this to myself.

And a little advice...GET THE HELL OUT OF THAT PLACE!!! Seriously...I hear A LOT (as you can imagine) of shit about that place. I don't think it's worth all the stress it seems to put on people, yet people don't seem to be able to just walk away. I have always lived under the philosophy that no job should ever make you miserable. You spend too much time there to not at least like parts of it. I bet you could get a phat job in NOVA making more money...

Miss Scarlet said...

Flameon- Tomorrow (Tuesday) should be interesting bc I'll be on about 4 hours;)

Dara- I realized that I recently was given new things to do and while I hated it, I did it. But this? It's totally different.

Buffy- Oh, I know. Just need to know where I'll be next before I'm not there.

Lala- Yeah, I'm a sailor sometimes.

Cindy- I can't get into a big thing bc I want to be teaching asap. I totally agree about not hating what you do. So far I've been totally fine there, making the money I need to pay bills while I go to school.

Sparklebot said...

fuck yeah

Miss Scarlet said...

Smash- Ditto!

Ant- Yeah, being miserable is no way to live life.