
Monday, February 06, 2006

Robots In The Garden

I know I'm hypocritical in my complaints sometimes. Often, I think something in my head about someone and immediately nullify it by realizing it's something I do, too. The other day I went to say about someone, "I wish they'd get a clue" but couldn't make an immediate decision whether or not that was something I needed to do as well. So now I'm left in this odd limbo stage of not knowing what 'clues' I might possibly need to 'get' and whether or not I can complain about other people and their 'clues'.

In other news, I saw Nanny McPhee this weekend and liked it, a lot. Those crazy Brits and their good movies/acting!

11 days until my birthday:)


Citygirl said...

Don't freak out too much about your 'clues'. We ALL need to get a clue about SOMETHING. You'll figure it out.

Alison Santighian said...

Think you're farther along than most, recognizing that things that get to you about others might be things you do, too...first step, as they say...

I-66 said...

I think you need to get Clue on DVD. That should do the trick.

Miss Scarlet said...

citygirl- It's cool, I'm not freaking out. It just gets me thinking about things.

Celine- haha yes

i-66- YES! Miss Scarlet!

Unknown said...

As long as I'm not the one who needs to get a clue ; ) I usually have a clue but refuse to tell anyone else I have it. Ha!

Miss Scarlet said...

No, the clue I'm referring to isn't about you:)