1. get up at 4:15
2. leave at 5
3. get to house at 6
4. leave house 6:-6:30
5. get coffee x5
5. get there
6. be awesome
7. eat everything
8. buy everything
9. MO with everyone (hahaha)

I'm more excited than this post is revealing. I'm tired and just got REALLY ANNOYING news so I'm a bit preoccupied. I'll be sure to return with a brazillion picures.
P.S. And seriously, how could tomorrow not be fun? Just look at that picture. The woman on the right is having the time of her life.
I am OBESESSED with Sonic. You can get a super-humungous slushy (which beats the 7-11 slurpee BY FAR) for $1.50! I had a slushy four days this week. (Is that going overboard?)
Sonic stresses me out, though. I never know where to go and how to order and if I'm supposed to tip or not. IT'S STRESSFUL!!!!!!
But really good.
you're going to will'burg?! yay!
how come during the 4 years I was there I didn't know anything about a Scottish festival?...Sonic is def awesome though!
OMG Sonic!!!
Did you have a cherry limeade? Or Cheesy tots?
Pinkisneat- I had regular tots and diet dr. pepper. It's so stressful when I get there that I can't read the menu and remember what I wanted!!!
Ant- Um, what part would I have been joking about!?
Courtney- I don't know! It was awesome, though.
Next time you need to bring the Sonic experts. : ) Glad you had fun though. Haha.
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