
Monday, May 22, 2006

Doggz Gonna Get Ya

Did anyone watch Oprah today? What kind of puppy was that little guy (Scooter?), the one Nate's dogs fought with.

And while we're on the topic of puppies, I WANT ONE SO BADLY! What kind to get though? This is what I want:

-small to medium size
-preferably short hair but I like Maltese puppies-but not the frou frou 8 inch long haired kind with bows
-I can't have one that needs a ton of walking/exercising/running

Ideally my puppy:

-would fit nicely into one of those adorable bags in Target*
-doesn't bark a lot
-likes kids because well, eventually there could be one, (hint hint**)
-does not have anal glands***

I have had my puppy's name picked out for years. I NEED a puppy.

If you have a dog, what kind do you have? Tell me allll about them!

*Yes, I want one of THOSE dogs. Whatever!
**OMG just kidding
***Did you see that episode of The Simple Life? OMG, EW! But just kidding on this one, too because, of course he/she will have those. Ew.


minijonb said...

Recently, I've been dog sitting a Golden Doodle puppy. She is the cutest thing ever. She's the size of a Golden with dark Poddle-esque hair. I call her the Gorilla Dog. She might be a little bigger than you are looking for and need more exercise. And she also chews everything in sight. I like borrowing dogs for short periods, but I haven't found one yet that I can't live without.

Anonymous said...

My dream is to get a pug. I will name him/her Squash.

dara said...

I want a puggle. I have his name picked out and everything.

Miss Scarlet said...

omg CUTE!

Melissa said...

I can feel your energy coming off this page! :)

I love dogs. I think they make our lives better. Do it. Don't worry about the exercise thing, dogs conform to your personality. My two are 6 years old, and since they were puppies, they have slept in with me until 11 on the weekends...they get used to your routine, if you force them to.

Get a pound puppy. They are so much better than full breds. Not a terrier though, they have a lot of energy and will eat all your shoes. But damn if they aren't cute as shit.

Miss Scarlet said...

Minijonb- My boss might be getting a puppy soon and she's gonna bring him to work-I can't wait!

Robert- I hope you're serious.

Dara- OMG, Cute! What name?

Velvet- I definitely want a pound puppy! I do want to make sure its mix is a good, small, not frisky/crazy, etc.


Shannon said...

yorkshire terrier...that was archenemy scooter...

it stays that size...good dogs but may yap alot

Miss Scarlet said...

holy crap so cute! I gasped!

Miss Scarlet said...

I'm going to end up spamming my own blog:


dara said...

The name is "Bowden." Not, however, as in Jim Bowden, soon to be ex-GM of the Nats.

Despite being in love with the little puggle face, I agree with Velvet -- pound puppies are the way to go.

Cheryl said...

I want a golden retriever or a lab. probably won't ever get one though...

Ashburnite said...

Maybe a dachshound- they're so cute and they would fit in your purse!

minijonb said...

Scarlet: What kind of puppy is your boss getting? Borrow the dog to see if you like it. Wait. How strange would it be to dog sit for your boss... maybe too strange.

Miss Scarlet said...

Boss is getting a Boston Terrier- I don't think I like those but I WILL dogsit!

Not a big Daschhund fan...had a neighbor who had one and it was an annoying dog and I haven't liked them since.

Miss Scarlet said...

Cheryl- I need to work together with someone who only likes adult labs. Because I love the lab puppies so we could switch once they're big!