Orchestra last night was amusing but really, when isn't it? Our concert in June is all opera but as I explained in our staff meeting yesterday, it's "just a bunch of loud, high arias. Not boring opera!" So the soloists came last night to rehearse with us and holy hell are they good. In college it used to freak me out when my music major friends who were singers would open their mouths to sing and this gigantic voice would come out. I didn't understand how I have a weak and warbly range of about two and a half notes* and they can break glass and sing notes higher than I can even imagine. And with gusto!
Vizzini reminded me of the guy from The Princess Bride (hence his nickname) and was really, really good. I almost missed a few entrances in "Nessun Dorma" (the piece Pavorati sang at the Olympics) because I kept imagining him singing it to me. But what is it about songs sung loudly and in Italian that cause a balding man who looks like the smart guy from The Princess Bride to look appealing**. I think Maestro hit the nail on the head though when he lamented that he wished he had a voice like Vizzini's so he could say good morning every day to his wife with an aria. And by the excitement that arose from practically every female in the room (while the guys just sat there and shook their heads), I knew not only how right Maestro was but also that Vizzini must get a lot of chicks...
*Except when singing "We Belong Together", in which case I can totally hit her high notes;)
**Not so much appealing in a hott way but more of a, "Sing to me!" way.
It's amazing what talents can get guys chicks. Men, take note.
I'd love it if I could sing a "Good Morning" aria to my wife and boys, or even belt it out like Steve Perry. That would SO rule!
Flameon- But why isn't it the same the other way around? I have talents! I play the clarinet! Guys should be LINING up!
CBK- Haha that would be AWESOME!
Hurrah for the clarinet! : )
I agree, Scarlet, especially considering how phallic the clarinet is. ;-)
I play the flute, too, if that helps;)
That guy in the picture does the voice of Rex in Toy Story.
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