At the risk of sounding INCREDIBLY narcissistic, the thought crossed (and then occupied) my mind last night of crushes. And unlike usual, it wasn't about those on my radar but the radars I might have been a blip on.
I kind of have an all or nothing mentality when it comes to this. The majority of the time I know I'm awesome and have all the self-confidence a person needs yet have no faith in the opposite sex to realize it. I guess if I have to lose faith in someone I would want it to be them and not me. It's their own fault if they don't recognize what they're missing out on;)*
I think my moments of doubt come when someone actually tells me or makes it clear they want my sass. That's the point when I figure I must have heard wrong or am reading every situation incorrectly.
Of course (like I've said countless times), I'm not really sure where I'm going with this. I don't have a point or some big revelation, it's just some of my my most recent thoughts.
Cause in my head there’s a greyhound station
Where I send my thoughts to far off destinations
So they may have a chance of finding a place
where they’re far more suited than here
*I sound like such a snobby bitch, I'm not. Really.
I can attest to your lack of snobby bitch qualities. Only an insightful person would pick lyrics like those few you posted.
i swear i wrote this blog in my head...
how odd...
cause your so much taller than me
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