It all started when I predicted Katie Holmes delivery day:

(Names, besides my own, have been erased as well as anything else too embarassing. I left the original e-mail intact so please refrain from making fun of my Brad Pitt comment. Yes, I do think he's really hott and yes, I am looking forward to his next movie. The important part is that I PREDICTED THE BIRTH OF TOMKITTEN!)
In addition to my gmail evidence, I also told my coworker, Robin, that I bet she would have the baby today. If I need to, I'll get her on tape supporting this. We talked for awhile today about scientology and how crazy it all is. How Tom Cruise apparently talked to an alien and there are reports that aliens live in a part of the ocean near California. We cracked up with our theories.
Ok but THEN I checked online during my break at orchestra and guess what the child's name is...Suri. In Hebrew this means 'princess' and is Persian it means...
Red Rose
I KNOW! Freaky! Ok and for those a few steps behind let me remind you that my name is Scarlet Rose...aka
Red Rose
I have alerted my mom, Ali (sister), Serena, Steven, and Anna that if I go missing they are to find Tom Cruise and make him give me back. I don't want to be a scientologist. I don't want to worship clams and not have colds anymore. It's just weird.
Tom cruise is an alien.
And did you hear that he's going to eat the placenta?
This One Girl
oh come on she's been ready to burst for like a month and a half. remember when he was with kidman and they adopted because the deal was that he was infertile? i think this is all for publicity for MI3 for one the movie's ads just started this week on Sunday in fact and its been like 5 years since the last MI movie. Sidenote! Hoffman just can't be a threatening East German (or whatever) terrorist (or communist). Scientologists are full of shit anyways. Good job predicting the day though!
Too many freaky coincidences. Watch your back ;)
Freaky timing. Nice call.
I don't blame you. Lukcily all of your blog buds have also been alerted so he can't get you.
I couldn't believe it when you called and said the baby clam had been born. It was, like, a psychic connection or something.
I can vouch for the authenticity of that email.
A psychic told me that the only sound allowed in the delivery room was the Cocktail soundtrack, on constant loop. ;-)~
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