"Stingray leaps into boat, stabs man in the chest"
Should I be worried here? Are the stingrays plotting against us with a plan to take over the world, one person at a time? Because when two (2!) people are killed by stingrays piercing their chests in the last few months it seems a bit like a cause to worry. These are freak accidents, right? Yet to have two so close together? And in this second case are we reading it correctly that the stingray LEAPT into the boat? I was under the impression that stingrays liked to hang out near the bottom of the ocean. When I was at the Baltimore Aquarium in July, they just swam around looking bored. None of those stingrays "lept" out of the tank and really, if any stingray was going to revolt, wouldn't it be the one being held in captivity? Maybe those are the stingrays on the 'inside' who are somehow getting messages to the stingrays in the wild about who to kill.
All I know is that I am staying away from boats AND stingrays until this all calms down.
Be safe out there, kids.
It's a plot to take over the world! I KNEW it!
I guess "Invasion" wasn't a fictional TV show after all!
Wish they hadn't cancelled it . :-(
I think this is just another one of those "since it happened to someone famous, it's an epidemic" sort of thing.
Sting rays probably have attacked people for decades and now they're getting bad publicity because they killed one of Australia's best.
(not to downplay Steve Irwin at all. He was AWESOME. I'm just trying to support the stingrays...)
hahaha! attack of the stingrays!!!!
i'm actually a little bit scared...i shouldn't be laughing...
Evolution,perhaps? The natural world is finally starting to get too pissed off.
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