Somehow I had never seen this movie even though it has always been on my list. You know, the "I Know I Will Like This Movie" list. A friend of mine in college really liked this movie. and I rememeber when she finally got the poster of our dear, hott, amazingly sexy-even-though-he's-strung-out-on-heroin star Ewan McGregor from ebay, we practically had an unveiling ceremony when she hung it on her dorm wall in Custis Hall*. Set to our own soundtrack made up of our Mousetrap-inspired brit-pop favorites, we taped Ewan up for all to admire.
Anyway, I'm digressing as a result of that picture to the right. It's hard to focus with it over there, you know. So what if the only time in the movie when he's soaking wet is after he's been digging around in a filthy toilet? I'm not thinking about that right now. And he wears tight-ass pants...and a little short shirt. And still, totally hott.
But I like the movie for more than just Ewan McGregor, I promise! Even for more than it being set in Scotland. I'm deeper than you think. Really, I am.
*Custis Is The Bustis! (Yes, that was our dorm motto and no, it doesn't have a meaning.)
Remember the scene when they get off the train and walk to nowhere... that's Loch Lomond near Glen Coe. Amazing scenery. I was there when I got married a few years ago.
Trainspotting will always be one of my favorite movies. Scotland, London, great music... what's not to like?
i heart trainspotting. although that toilet scene always makes me cringe.
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