
Monday, October 09, 2006

Thanks For The Pepperonni

I just want to apologize to Christopher Columbus for not properly observing his day. I, unlike what seemed to be everyone I knew, was at work today. I figured that since I work for a school, which usually follows government holidays, I would be off today. So when I sadly realized I was not, I then assumed that everyone would be at work today! Imagine my dismay when it's 9am and I haven't received any emails! Finally, at a semi-sleep-in hour, they started rolling in. I was only in my second planning period and started wondering how these people were able to email so much while at work. That's when I asked...

"Are you in the office today?"

I won't post what I said in response to their reply about being off for Columbus Day. Let's just say I was a little angry.

Then I asked my fellow school worker if he was working today and almost threw my monitor when he wrote back that he was indeed off for the day.

So, Christopher, I'm really, really sorry I haven't properly observed and celebrated your day today. It wasn't my fault and I promise to be really lazy all night tonight to make up for it.



Unknown said...

Hahahahaha. Sorry you weren't off, boo.

Beakerz said...

Obviously, I didn't care about him either. ;)

I'll talk more about it tommorrow, but I survived. Just too tired to type.

Miss Scarlet said...

Serena- Yeah, I figured since I worked that most people would.

Needtsza- Aw, glad it went well!

Sparklebot said...

My school didn't have Columbus Day off--but, we had Yom Kippur off last Monday, so I guess I can't complain. Yet, I did anyway.