I am dreadfully behind on my book reviews seeing as how it's late February and I still haven't done my January post. I've started 2016 off a bit slower than I had hoped, especially since I had planned on a quiet January. We had a couple of AWESOME author events at work and I pushed those books up in my queue and then it was like high school all over again with my not finishing them before the 'test'. Luckily, unlike high school, I have been enjoying all of these recent choices.
6. CITY OF ASHES by Cassandra Clare (Audio). Stop reading if you don't want to know a spoiler...Please explain to me how it is okay for Clary and Jace to lust after one another now that they know that they are related. And I did look ahead and know that in the next book they find out it isn't true, but that doesn't matter. The second you tell me someone is my brother, I am no longer attracted to them. |
5. TELL THE WIND AND FIRE by Sarah Reed Brennan (ARC). I loved the premise for this one: a world of magic divided into Light and Dark that centers on a young woman who has managed to cross from one side to the other. One of the characters was so fascinating in the beginning, but lost me a little as the plot moved on. It actually made me feel like this was to be a series and things would be worked out later...but is it? Is it a series? |
4. THE SELECTION by Kiera Cass (Audio). Pleasantly surprised by this book that is very Bachelor-like where America is chosen to compete for the heart of Prince Maxon. She's already secretly in love with a boy back home and joins the competition merely to help her family. I really liked Maxon and his scenes with America were definitely my favorite. Looking forward to book two!
3. Game. Set. Match. by Jennifer Iacopelli. You guys! A book about tennis! A good book about tennis! I loved this book because the author either is definitely a tennis fan or did some great research. My only complaint is that I wanted more sexy time, but maybe in book two?? |
2. THIS SAVAGE SONG by Victoria Schwab (ARC). Of course I loved this because Victoria Schwab is a wizard of words and this book is about monsters who use music. HOW COULD I NOT LOVE IT!? It's really good and I can't wait for more people to read it. |
1. THE RAVEN BOYS by Maggie Stiefvater (Audio). This was a re'read' for me as I get ready for THE RAVEN KING to come out in a few months and it was awesome because I noticed so many little nuggets that Stiefvater sprinkled throughout that make so much more sense now. Her writing is so lush and complex and even though I hated the narrator's voice for Adam, I enjoyed every second of this book in audio form. Also, now may be the time for us to revisit when Serena and I tried to find Henrietta, VA:) |