My love of fall and winter is kind of weird. I mean, I still don't understand preferring heat to coolness, but I don't know many people who get as excited as I do when the leaves begin to change and the temperatures drop. I was just looking online to see when the peak times are to see the changing leaves in New England because I desperately want to take a weekend and drive up there.
How can this stuff not totally pump you up!?

Fall definitely rocks my socks. Plus, it's the season of my birthday. haha. I love your clearly leading survey though.
I feel you. I love the fall. There's something about crisp temperatures, sweaters you haven't been able to wear for months, oranges, reds, and yellows, and the ushering in of the holidays (including Halloween).
People love summer because things slow down. At work summer is always easier. People take vacations, the kids are out of school, etc. But you're right - fall is awesome. We're going to head up to Boston in October, and I'm sure we'll see some great leaves changing. The only problem with fall is that it seems too short.
Are these your photos? They're awesome.
Serena- Hey, the people voted.
Sparklebot- I love fall colors so much!
Speener- I did take them. Thanks!
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