Jobeth asked me to come take picture so of their new clothes they would be carrying this fall in their store. I said yes, because it sounded like fun, but then I started thinking about it and was kind of terrified. Although, I wasn't. It's hard to explain. I was concerned about lighting, but I figured I'd just wing it somehow.
I don't have some crazy notion that I am a great photographer. I like to do it, but I often have no idea what I'm doing. I know a good picture when I see it, and I've taken some of them myself, but if good photographers like Terra are on one planet, then I am on another one wondering how I can get to theirs.
When I showed up that Saturday I had no idea what to expect. Five minutes in, though, and I was relaxed and having a great time. Once I had about 40 shots and several looked good, I knew things were going to be okay.
I hadn't even though about what role I would play. I naively assumed I would just be taking the pictures, but while Jobeth styled the models, I had to direct them. "Gorgeous!" "Don't bend your leg!" "Fill in the empty space!" I'm not going to lie, America's Next Top Model was my savior. I even joked for one girl to "Smile with [her] eyes!"
Lighting did prove to be one of my biggest obstacles, but we worked around what we had and even moved the furniture around to help our cause. I took 543 shots in two hours and even without Photoshop (which I don't even have and never use), I was happy with what we got. Here are some of my (unedited!) favorites:
Getting to the other planet takes practice. Good thing taking photos is so much fun!
This is super-awesome - you're a proper pro!
I love them. Taking a good photograph is harder than it looks. I'm impressed.
Serena- I much fun.
Ant- Thanks!
Sparklebot- Thanks, that means a lot.
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