After a dangerous combination of more than enough to drink and a string of perfect moments, I realized that my mouth was letting words escape before my guarded mind could stop them. There was this song on the CD player. A song from a CD I had mixed. It was like I created the soundtrack to my own perfect moment. And as fitting as it is for me to provide the music, it comes back to haunt me later when I play the same CD and have the same songs shoved in my face. The types of connections I make with songs are akin to the connection made between bumblebees and pollen. Or hyperactive kids and sugar. The deeply buried scientist in me tries to name this relationship: Parasitic? Mutualistic? These labels make no sense when I try to translate them from living things to a song. I know it sounds crazy. For a non-labeler, I sure do like to know what things are.
So back to my logorrhea. I can't remember what song was on*, but for some reason it was good enough for me to start spurting out sentences about how much I loved it and how can some songs be "that good". If it is possible for lyrics so perfect to just be made up. Does anyone really care, though, about my obsessive mindset when it comes to music? I guess I hope so.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Grand Theft Autumn
Not that I will ever pick up and read a copy of The Secret, but if you are one of the masses keeping this ridiculous book on the bestseller list, then I'll start this campaign in a way you will understand it:
If we think fall starts on Friday, then it will!
Right? Right. I can't even remember how this fabulous idea started, but I think it was when I was talking to Brendan about his birthday (which is Friday, lucky him!) and he declared the day to be Brensday. Not one to argue over newly formed holidays, I went with his idea and started to declare what would make the day special and how it could be celebrated. So, even though it's his day, I started to name my own favorite things including alcohol (check!) and cold weather...and that is when I had my grand idea: Fall will commence on Friday.
People keep asking me why. Why not? If we want summer to be over, it will be. Mother Nature may be late with the action plan, but why let that cunt stop us? I, for one, am ready for fall and it will be starting on Friday.
So, spread the word! FALL STARTS ON FRIDAY! Refer to the following if you have any questions:
If we think fall starts on Friday, then it will!
Right? Right. I can't even remember how this fabulous idea started, but I think it was when I was talking to Brendan about his birthday (which is Friday, lucky him!) and he declared the day to be Brensday. Not one to argue over newly formed holidays, I went with his idea and started to declare what would make the day special and how it could be celebrated. So, even though it's his day, I started to name my own favorite things including alcohol (check!) and cold weather...and that is when I had my grand idea: Fall will commence on Friday.
People keep asking me why. Why not? If we want summer to be over, it will be. Mother Nature may be late with the action plan, but why let that cunt stop us? I, for one, am ready for fall and it will be starting on Friday.
So, spread the word! FALL STARTS ON FRIDAY! Refer to the following if you have any questions:
- Pack away your white bags, too, biatches. Those mofos are out of style.
- I expect to see no more pastels (not that we ever should have seen them. Seriously, pastels are the work of the devil.)
- More browns, blacks, and other dark, saturated colors.
- Let's also all go out and get OPI's Russian Navy, my new love.
- Flip flops are still allowed.
- No tank tops/sleeveless shirts is advisable. We don't want Mother Nature to think we like the hott-ass weather.
- Keep an eye on the sky. You can tell fall is coming by the sky. It gets clearer and crisper. Believe me. I watch for it.
- No. More. Shorts.
- And, most importantly, if you think it's cooler out, it will be.
Monday, August 27, 2007
I usually have a very good memory. I remember things like what I was wearing five years ago on a Friday or what Ross said to Rachel in Season 2, Episode 8. My memory fails me when it comes to getting petrol or taking a test, but at most other times, even through alcohol hazes, I remember quite a lot.
So last night when I was talking with a friend about an evening that occurred just a few weeks ago and I could barely remember it, it freaked me out. It didn't help that the evening was spent at Fridays, a location I frequent quite often because of its close proximity to my job. I kept blurring together three separate nights and while I could clearly see the end of the evening, I was having trouble seeing us sitting in the restaurant in my memory. And it's not like I was drunk that night. I later remembered that was the night I wussed out and just got a short Blue Moon as my second instead of another tall.
There really isn't much to this story except that for about an hour I felt like I had lost a night of my life and, from what I was being told, it was a good evening. All of a sudden though the memory rushed back and I could see it clear as day. It had been a good evening.
So last night when I was talking with a friend about an evening that occurred just a few weeks ago and I could barely remember it, it freaked me out. It didn't help that the evening was spent at Fridays, a location I frequent quite often because of its close proximity to my job. I kept blurring together three separate nights and while I could clearly see the end of the evening, I was having trouble seeing us sitting in the restaurant in my memory. And it's not like I was drunk that night. I later remembered that was the night I wussed out and just got a short Blue Moon as my second instead of another tall.
There really isn't much to this story except that for about an hour I felt like I had lost a night of my life and, from what I was being told, it was a good evening. All of a sudden though the memory rushed back and I could see it clear as day. It had been a good evening.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Plug In Baby
This is my recent obsession. A mix CD of songs I keep on repeat:
- Plug In Baby- Muse
- Quicksand- Travis
- You Never Wash Up After Yourself- Radiohead
- And I'm Aching- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
- In Your World- Muse
- I've Never Understood- The Reindeer Section
- Not A Job- Elbow
- We Looked Like Giants- Death Cab For Cutie
- Hard To Beat- Hard-Fi
- Four Winds- Bright Eyes
- Art Of Dying- George Harrison
- You Can't Quit Me Baby- Queens Of The Stone Age
- Not Quite A Yes- Arab Strap
- Here- Pavement
- I Got The Blues- The Rolling Stones
- Killian's Red- Nada Surf
- Glasgow Mega-Snake- Mogwai
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Serena recently moved into a phat new pad, which, according to others, has a "kick-ass kitchen." Yeah, the kitchen is nice, but I was drawn more to the balcony, which is going to be perfection on a crisp fall afternoon. Anyway, because of this kick-ass kitchen, her friends took it upon themselves to teach her how to make various meals. (I think they just wanted to use her kitchen.)
First up was Allie who, I think, made spaghetti and then Ravena who made meatloaf and mashed potatoes. I was invited to stick around for the second evening, but had to get home. I heard it was a success, though, and at this time I realized it was my turn. But for someone who doesn't even like to cook, what was the plan? I instantly knew how I would make my lesson different: I would include alcohol.
Mojitos and Fajitas quickly became the plan and after what felt like way too long of a wait, it was finally time for the "lesson." (I told Serena I'm no Ravena in the kitchen. I don't get all into it or anything. To each their own, right? Personally, I hate cleaning up so much that I never want to cook.)
After an amusing trip to Wegman's, we got our evening making mojitos and eating chips and salsa. Why rush the boring part of the evening, right? Serena had picked up the ultimate in rum and even though I forgot to put limes on the grocery list, we had some pretty good (and potent) mojitos. After declaring I wasn't feeling them, I got really giggly and talkative and quickly rescinded my statement.
It was time to cook.
Boring boring boring. Cooking is boring. I won't bore you with the details, but I did refuse to get the sour cream out of the fridge. I won't touch that nast. We also had a funny discussion about when chicken is done. I told them my practice of cutting each piece to make sure there's no pink and then ending up with tiny pieces of chicken. And I got angry at Steven for saying that they were really soft tacos since we didn't put peppers and onions in them. Tsk tsk. Details Shmetails. We used "Fajita Seasoning," so who is to argue with that?
We ate on robot plates (I have pics, but no fast internet so just use your imagination) and I guess they were a success since we all had two even though our appetites were satiated by the chips and salsa. With satisfied tum tums, we headed to my favorite part of the apartment (the balcony-how quickly you forget!) for interesting conversation and after dinner drinks. And after that...we had sundaes! What an evening! I told Serena that for the next lesson we would have margaritas and make one of my other specialties:
First up was Allie who, I think, made spaghetti and then Ravena who made meatloaf and mashed potatoes. I was invited to stick around for the second evening, but had to get home. I heard it was a success, though, and at this time I realized it was my turn. But for someone who doesn't even like to cook, what was the plan? I instantly knew how I would make my lesson different: I would include alcohol.
Mojitos and Fajitas quickly became the plan and after what felt like way too long of a wait, it was finally time for the "lesson." (I told Serena I'm no Ravena in the kitchen. I don't get all into it or anything. To each their own, right? Personally, I hate cleaning up so much that I never want to cook.)
After an amusing trip to Wegman's, we got our evening making mojitos and eating chips and salsa. Why rush the boring part of the evening, right? Serena had picked up the ultimate in rum and even though I forgot to put limes on the grocery list, we had some pretty good (and potent) mojitos. After declaring I wasn't feeling them, I got really giggly and talkative and quickly rescinded my statement.
It was time to cook.
Boring boring boring. Cooking is boring. I won't bore you with the details, but I did refuse to get the sour cream out of the fridge. I won't touch that nast. We also had a funny discussion about when chicken is done. I told them my practice of cutting each piece to make sure there's no pink and then ending up with tiny pieces of chicken. And I got angry at Steven for saying that they were really soft tacos since we didn't put peppers and onions in them. Tsk tsk. Details Shmetails. We used "Fajita Seasoning," so who is to argue with that?
We ate on robot plates (I have pics, but no fast internet so just use your imagination) and I guess they were a success since we all had two even though our appetites were satiated by the chips and salsa. With satisfied tum tums, we headed to my favorite part of the apartment (the balcony-how quickly you forget!) for interesting conversation and after dinner drinks. And after that...we had sundaes! What an evening! I told Serena that for the next lesson we would have margaritas and make one of my other specialties:
- omelettes (but she doesn't like eggs)
- chicken parmigiana
- Ramen
- grilled cheese
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
100 Million
I just bought a lottery ticket. This is what I will do if when I win:
- Scream
- Call Ali.
- Call everyone else.
- Pick out my outfit for when the news will want to interview me. Something inspired by my recent fashion magazine reading.
- Try to decide if I will quit my job immediately.
- Decide that even though I am a millionaire, I will still want the discount at least for awhile.
- Go to sleep? I'll want to be rested for a big Wednesday.
- Once it's Wednesday, I'll get Starbucks and not worry about it being a $5 cup of joe. (quad venti, biatch.)
- I'm a little unsure about when I'll actually get the money. Can I start ordering from JCrew immediately?
- I will start to plan the trip to Scotland that Ali and I will be taking asap.
- I'll go buy a new XM player since someone (grr) broke the cord on my current one.
- I'll buy a ticket to San Fran for when Serena's there just because I can. It'll be like, "Hey, Serena. I'm in CA. Let's do lunch!"
- I think I'll buy a ticket to Toronto;) Hey, why not? I've always wanted to go there.
- I'll probably then have to do lots of interviews and stuff. It's tough being so popular.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
I remember the day during my sophomore year of college when I went to the Blue Dog* with the intention of buying some new CDs for my drive to Richmond later in the day. I was heading down to meet up with my brother and Jobeth for some random techno show and knew that I would need some kickin' tunes to stay awake on the ride back. I bought:
Queens of the Stone Age "Rated R"
Caroline Spine
Muse "Showbiz"
I bought all three used and on a whim. I probably listened to QOTSA first and was immediately happy with my purchase. I would go on to buy all of their albums and see them live a few years ago.
Next up I put on Caroline Spine, a band I tried based on a recommendation from a fellow Foo Fighters fan. was okay. I'm not sure I listened to the whole thing then...or ever.
Then I opened the bright blue** case of this band I hadn't heard much about and popped it into my CD player. Even as I listen now, I can remember being in my car and hearing the piano and wondering what the hell I was listening to and how it was possible to instantly love something so much. I was on my way to hear some jungle DJ and there I was, listening to Rachmaninov-inspired rock music in the car.
To say I was enamored would be an understatement. I went on to buy their next releases and have loved each and every song. I honestly don't think there is a Muse song that I have ever felt "eh" about. So here was this band I absolutely loved and yet I had never seen them live. It seemed as though they were never going to come back to the US until one day I was looking online and saw it: Muse touring with My Chemical Romance. I think I was on the phone with Ali immediately and she, being the amazing sister that she is, bought tickets for us as a birthday gift to me.
Fast forward to the show and holy hell were we two excited girls. I think we were the only two in the crowd there solely for Muse and it was obvious when we realized we were the only two standing in our section for the start of their set. But Muse wouldn't be the awesome band they are without gaining some fans and just a few songs in and more and more people were standing up to catch a better view of the show that was before us.
My only complaint about the show was that it was too short, but with that said, I would have the same complaint even if they had played every song they had ever written and even thrown in a few covers. They aren't called one of the best live bands in the world for nothing. Their show is stellar. At one point Ali looked at me and said, "Is this really happening?" It was impeccable, yet raw*** and had that indescribable "live show" feeling.
I think I was most impressed with Chris Wolstenholme's bass playing and Matthew Bellamy's falsetto and piano playing. But even as I write that I can't not mention the drumming and guitar playing. It literally was all amazing. It was just what I wanted and expected. We didn't even stay for all of My Chemical Romance's set as we didn't want to soil our ears. We mocked their fans and their cries of "MCR" while we wondered how anyone could like them over Muse.
Muse is Top 5 All Time for me. I love them, like whoa. And the next time I see them, it's going to be in the UK, bitches!
*RIP. Such an adorable used CD store in Fredericksburg, VA.
**Promo copy!
***It is my own pet peeve to describe music as "raw," but sometimes it's the only word that works.
Queens of the Stone Age "Rated R"
Caroline Spine
Muse "Showbiz"
I bought all three used and on a whim. I probably listened to QOTSA first and was immediately happy with my purchase. I would go on to buy all of their albums and see them live a few years ago.
Next up I put on Caroline Spine, a band I tried based on a recommendation from a fellow Foo Fighters fan. was okay. I'm not sure I listened to the whole thing then...or ever.
Then I opened the bright blue** case of this band I hadn't heard much about and popped it into my CD player. Even as I listen now, I can remember being in my car and hearing the piano and wondering what the hell I was listening to and how it was possible to instantly love something so much. I was on my way to hear some jungle DJ and there I was, listening to Rachmaninov-inspired rock music in the car.
To say I was enamored would be an understatement. I went on to buy their next releases and have loved each and every song. I honestly don't think there is a Muse song that I have ever felt "eh" about. So here was this band I absolutely loved and yet I had never seen them live. It seemed as though they were never going to come back to the US until one day I was looking online and saw it: Muse touring with My Chemical Romance. I think I was on the phone with Ali immediately and she, being the amazing sister that she is, bought tickets for us as a birthday gift to me.
Fast forward to the show and holy hell were we two excited girls. I think we were the only two in the crowd there solely for Muse and it was obvious when we realized we were the only two standing in our section for the start of their set. But Muse wouldn't be the awesome band they are without gaining some fans and just a few songs in and more and more people were standing up to catch a better view of the show that was before us.
My only complaint about the show was that it was too short, but with that said, I would have the same complaint even if they had played every song they had ever written and even thrown in a few covers. They aren't called one of the best live bands in the world for nothing. Their show is stellar. At one point Ali looked at me and said, "Is this really happening?" It was impeccable, yet raw*** and had that indescribable "live show" feeling.
I think I was most impressed with Chris Wolstenholme's bass playing and Matthew Bellamy's falsetto and piano playing. But even as I write that I can't not mention the drumming and guitar playing. It literally was all amazing. It was just what I wanted and expected. We didn't even stay for all of My Chemical Romance's set as we didn't want to soil our ears. We mocked their fans and their cries of "MCR" while we wondered how anyone could like them over Muse.
Muse is Top 5 All Time for me. I love them, like whoa. And the next time I see them, it's going to be in the UK, bitches!
*RIP. Such an adorable used CD store in Fredericksburg, VA.
**Promo copy!
***It is my own pet peeve to describe music as "raw," but sometimes it's the only word that works.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
This is my current jam. My current summer song that is total cheese, yet I can't help but love. It was performed on So You Think You Can Dance and then played again on The Hills the other night...*heart*.
I'm holding on a rope
Got me 10 feet off the ground
I'm hearin' what you say but I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me then you go and cut me down
But wait
You tell me that you're sorry didn't think I'd turn around and say:
That it's too late to apologize
Too late
Said it's too late to apologize
Too late
I'd take another chance, take a fall, take a shot for you
I need you like a heart needs a beat, it's nothing new
I loved you with a fire red now it's turning blue
And you say
Sorry lord, the angel heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid
It's too late to apologize
Too late
Said it's too late to apologize
Too late
I'm holding on a rope
Got me 10 feet off the ground
I'm holding on a rope
Got me 10 feet off the ground
I'm hearin' what you say but I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me then you go and cut me down
But wait
You tell me that you're sorry didn't think I'd turn around and say:
That it's too late to apologize
Too late
Said it's too late to apologize
Too late
I'd take another chance, take a fall, take a shot for you
I need you like a heart needs a beat, it's nothing new
I loved you with a fire red now it's turning blue
And you say
Sorry lord, the angel heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid
It's too late to apologize
Too late
Said it's too late to apologize
Too late
I'm holding on a rope
Got me 10 feet off the ground
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Have It All
So much to cover!
1) So You Think You Can Dance? ends tonight. This makes me sad. How is this show now on all year long? After last night, I think I want Lacey to win. She's kind of edgy and slutty and I give her props for dancing to Daft Punk last night in her solo. Her only negative is that she's Benji's sister and I don't want to see him being all goofy tonight if she were to in. I also like Neil and can see him winning if every teeny bopper with a crush on him voted. Danny would be a good winner bc he is so technically good. Sabra deserves to win, also, but I don't want her to.
2) The beach was awesome. Leaving at 4am and getting there at 720am was hilarious, but also left us with oodles of time to just lay (sleep) on the beach which is just what we wanted. Jaguar Paw had a good time, too. I'll post pictures this afternoon.
3) Muse. I still haven't written about the Muse show I went to months ago-hahahaha. day. I promise.
4) Ali and Bearthaniel left for Florida last night. I'm going to miss that boo this week.
5) Still can't stop talking about Apocolypto.
6) The Hills Season 3 rules! The showdown between Heidi and Lauren was awesome. "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!" Dang, girl! Ew, and Audrina's beau is nast.
1) So You Think You Can Dance? ends tonight. This makes me sad. How is this show now on all year long? After last night, I think I want Lacey to win. She's kind of edgy and slutty and I give her props for dancing to Daft Punk last night in her solo. Her only negative is that she's Benji's sister and I don't want to see him being all goofy tonight if she were to in. I also like Neil and can see him winning if every teeny bopper with a crush on him voted. Danny would be a good winner bc he is so technically good. Sabra deserves to win, also, but I don't want her to.
2) The beach was awesome. Leaving at 4am and getting there at 720am was hilarious, but also left us with oodles of time to just lay (sleep) on the beach which is just what we wanted. Jaguar Paw had a good time, too. I'll post pictures this afternoon.
3) Muse. I still haven't written about the Muse show I went to months ago-hahahaha. day. I promise.
4) Ali and Bearthaniel left for Florida last night. I'm going to miss that boo this week.
5) Still can't stop talking about Apocolypto.
6) The Hills Season 3 rules! The showdown between Heidi and Lauren was awesome. "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!" Dang, girl! Ew, and Audrina's beau is nast.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Apocalypse Please
Ummmmmm, HOLY HELL THIS MOVIE IS AMAZING! Ali was so right when she said it's awesome. It's her favorite (tied with Rocky) and is so Top 10 with me now, too. I kind of want to watch it again right now, but we have set our alarms for 330am and I think midnight might be a good time to think about going to sleep.
Jaguar Paw, please come visit my sister. She has a major crush on you.

Ummmmmm, HOLY HELL THIS MOVIE IS AMAZING! Ali was so right when she said it's awesome. It's her favorite (tied with Rocky) and is so Top 10 with me now, too. I kind of want to watch it again right now, but we have set our alarms for 330am and I think midnight might be a good time to think about going to sleep.
Jaguar Paw, please come visit my sister. She has a major crush on you.

Friday, August 10, 2007
Pueblo (Beach Boys)
I spoke too soon yesterday-Ali may work Tuesday, but she does not work on Wednesday! So, if you're looking for a Rose Girl on Wednesday, then check The OC, bitches. The thing about Ali/Scarlet trips is that no matter where we go or what we do, we have tons of fun. We're going to leave at 330am (4am), lament the fact that we get to Sonic before it opens, hang out on the beach, eat Thrasher's fries, ride some rides, swim, gossip, make lists, and crack up...a lot.
Random memory: I took Ali and her friend, Molly, to the The OC one year and while laying on the sand we saw these guys totally checking out this girl. She kept going into the water only up to her knees and then would splash water on herself. The guys ate this up so I, on a sort of dare (?), mocked her, in view of the guys, and with big movements started to splash water up on myself. She wasn't there anymore, so I wasn't making fun of her. It was more like we were testing the guys...and they failed. Ha, hilarious!
Oh, I am so excited!
Random memory: I took Ali and her friend, Molly, to the The OC one year and while laying on the sand we saw these guys totally checking out this girl. She kept going into the water only up to her knees and then would splash water on herself. The guys ate this up so I, on a sort of dare (?), mocked her, in view of the guys, and with big movements started to splash water up on myself. She wasn't there anymore, so I wasn't making fun of her. It was more like we were testing the guys...and they failed. Ha, hilarious!
Oh, I am so excited!
Thursday, August 09, 2007
I kind of want to get out of town. Not in a lame, "Woe is me, I need to escape" way, but more in an "Elsewhere would be nice, too." Notice the "too." Nothing is wrong, I'm just itching to go somewhere. Hit the open road. Make some mix CDs and just go. I asked Ali if she wanted to go to the beach on Tuesday, but unfortunately, she works.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Wake Me Up When September Ends
For as long as I can remember, I have loved magazines. Before I made my own money. I would beg my mom and dad to let me buy the latest issues of Seventeen and YM when I would tag along to the grocery store with them. I would then go home and read it from cover to cover and be in absolute heaven.
I guess it was when I went to college that I started subscribing to a lot of my favorites. I know that at one time at UMW, I got about 12 in the mail. I think my mailbox mates hated me.
But really? 12 was nothing compared to a few years after that when I'm pretty sure I was subscribed to almost 20 different publications. It's sick, I know. And I think the only reason I don't get more in the mail now, is because a lot of my old favorites (Mademoiselle, I miss you!) either stopped being published or merged into other titles.
Except for maybe anniversary issues, my favorites have always been the September issue of the fashion magazines. These are the ones the post office hates because they are larger than life and I have this on good authority since my own mother works there. She called today and said, "The big Elle is out today!" I just got back from my own mailbox and now have the massive issue in my hands. I love it! It makes me so excited for the fall with its cooler weather and more attractive fashion*. Opening the September issue is like stepping forward in time. I can't wait until fall, but at least I can be there vicariously through the September issues.
*In my opinion.
I guess it was when I went to college that I started subscribing to a lot of my favorites. I know that at one time at UMW, I got about 12 in the mail. I think my mailbox mates hated me.
But really? 12 was nothing compared to a few years after that when I'm pretty sure I was subscribed to almost 20 different publications. It's sick, I know. And I think the only reason I don't get more in the mail now, is because a lot of my old favorites (Mademoiselle, I miss you!) either stopped being published or merged into other titles.
Except for maybe anniversary issues, my favorites have always been the September issue of the fashion magazines. These are the ones the post office hates because they are larger than life and I have this on good authority since my own mother works there. She called today and said, "The big Elle is out today!" I just got back from my own mailbox and now have the massive issue in my hands. I love it! It makes me so excited for the fall with its cooler weather and more attractive fashion*. Opening the September issue is like stepping forward in time. I can't wait until fall, but at least I can be there vicariously through the September issues.
*In my opinion.
Monday, August 06, 2007
(Come On) Let's Go!
I'm pretty sure I was high for much of last night and not from the massive amounts of weed that were obviously around, but perhaps partly from the two Frequent Fliers* I quickly drank on an empty stomach soon after I arrived at the Virgin Festival. Yeah, that's right, at 6pm I was leaving work and by 7:30pm I was looking for parking in Baltimore. It was a crazy turn of events!
Turns out my brother's friend, who is the tour manager of Crystal Method, hooked Jesse up with three (3!) tickets and VIP passes and as soon as Jesse and Jobeth realized this, they called me. Have I mentioned they are the coolest? So that's why you may have seen the blur of a blue Elantra speeding along 95 towards the music last night around 630pm or so.
I wouldn't let myself feel confident about the evening until I was actually there and inside the fence speed-walking with Jesse and Jobeth towards the artist area where the free drinks were. I kept expecting there to be traffic, or for me not to find parking. Or for the hydroplaning/skidding I did at a stoplight to have effed up my car. Then, as the sky darkened and the rain drops started falling, I imagined them announcing that the Smashing Pumpkins would not be playing after all. I was a tense, yet optimistically excited girl from the time I heard about the extra ticket until I heard Billy Corgan's voice from the stage.
The show was hella good. They played a lot of older stuff, which actually surprised me: 1979, Tonight, Tonight, To Sheila**, Starla, etc. I think my favorite moment of the evening was when Jobeth and I heard the beginning guitar part of Today and just started running through the crowd to the area where we were going to watch. I almost lost a shoe and had a few people push me when we tried to find the opening in the gate to get to the grassy area we could get into. I haven't read any official reviews of the show, but anything negative would be a lie. They kicked ass. I can't wait to see them again in October with Ali and Serena!
The Smashing Pumpkins closed the festival, but that wasn't when our night ended. First I talked up a roadie wearing a hard hat and asked him if all it took was said hard hat to get wherever he wanted. He pretty much confirmed that fact, but even though I actually have a hard hat in my trunk, I didn't think my skirt and button up shirt*** would help with the disguise. I texted Serena and told her I had a moment. A moment where I probably could have been a super slut in the effort to try to get even further backstage, but homey don't play dat. Mostly because I am not delusional enough to think that some random guy waiting by the porta-pottys can get me any farther backstage than I can get myself. It does make me laugh to think that there are girls out there, though, who probably believe that.
From there we met up with Jesse/Jobeth's friend and he took us to the Crystal Method trailer where we hung out until about midnight. Hilarity ensued in there, my friends. Scott, from TCM, is a funny, animated, random guy who kept telling me to stop texting and then talked with me about recorders after J+J told him I'd played at Carnegie****. He also taught me how to open a bottle of beer with a lighter, but I didn't pick up the skill as easily as he would have liked. The beer was good, though. I asked him if it had roofies in it.
We didn't leave until midnight or so, but before leaving I ran around to the last few remaining trailers and stole the Explosions In The Sky and Smashing Pumpkins signs. Just a lil' souvenir:) I don't even know what time I got home. Thank the heavens Serena was up and texting me as I sped home because without that, I'm not sure I could have made it without a little driving shut eye.
So a 1000 thanks to Jesse and Jobeth and their quick thinking to call me. I love the Smashing Pumpkins!
*Red Bull, Vodka, Cranberry.
**One of my favorites!
***Seriously came straight from work.
****I told him I play the clarinet, but that made him think of playing the recorder in 4th grade. I told him TCM should use the clarinet in their music.
Turns out my brother's friend, who is the tour manager of Crystal Method, hooked Jesse up with three (3!) tickets and VIP passes and as soon as Jesse and Jobeth realized this, they called me. Have I mentioned they are the coolest? So that's why you may have seen the blur of a blue Elantra speeding along 95 towards the music last night around 630pm or so.
I wouldn't let myself feel confident about the evening until I was actually there and inside the fence speed-walking with Jesse and Jobeth towards the artist area where the free drinks were. I kept expecting there to be traffic, or for me not to find parking. Or for the hydroplaning/skidding I did at a stoplight to have effed up my car. Then, as the sky darkened and the rain drops started falling, I imagined them announcing that the Smashing Pumpkins would not be playing after all. I was a tense, yet optimistically excited girl from the time I heard about the extra ticket until I heard Billy Corgan's voice from the stage.
The show was hella good. They played a lot of older stuff, which actually surprised me: 1979, Tonight, Tonight, To Sheila**, Starla, etc. I think my favorite moment of the evening was when Jobeth and I heard the beginning guitar part of Today and just started running through the crowd to the area where we were going to watch. I almost lost a shoe and had a few people push me when we tried to find the opening in the gate to get to the grassy area we could get into. I haven't read any official reviews of the show, but anything negative would be a lie. They kicked ass. I can't wait to see them again in October with Ali and Serena!
The Smashing Pumpkins closed the festival, but that wasn't when our night ended. First I talked up a roadie wearing a hard hat and asked him if all it took was said hard hat to get wherever he wanted. He pretty much confirmed that fact, but even though I actually have a hard hat in my trunk, I didn't think my skirt and button up shirt*** would help with the disguise. I texted Serena and told her I had a moment. A moment where I probably could have been a super slut in the effort to try to get even further backstage, but homey don't play dat. Mostly because I am not delusional enough to think that some random guy waiting by the porta-pottys can get me any farther backstage than I can get myself. It does make me laugh to think that there are girls out there, though, who probably believe that.
From there we met up with Jesse/Jobeth's friend and he took us to the Crystal Method trailer where we hung out until about midnight. Hilarity ensued in there, my friends. Scott, from TCM, is a funny, animated, random guy who kept telling me to stop texting and then talked with me about recorders after J+J told him I'd played at Carnegie****. He also taught me how to open a bottle of beer with a lighter, but I didn't pick up the skill as easily as he would have liked. The beer was good, though. I asked him if it had roofies in it.
We didn't leave until midnight or so, but before leaving I ran around to the last few remaining trailers and stole the Explosions In The Sky and Smashing Pumpkins signs. Just a lil' souvenir:) I don't even know what time I got home. Thank the heavens Serena was up and texting me as I sped home because without that, I'm not sure I could have made it without a little driving shut eye.
So a 1000 thanks to Jesse and Jobeth and their quick thinking to call me. I love the Smashing Pumpkins!
*Red Bull, Vodka, Cranberry.
**One of my favorites!
***Seriously came straight from work.
****I told him I play the clarinet, but that made him think of playing the recorder in 4th grade. I told him TCM should use the clarinet in their music.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Fame Throwa
GO WATCH OUR VIDEO! Please comment and leave it a good rating. Share it with everyone you know. I want this to become the next hottest video on YouTube...even bigger than those weird guys humping an ottoman.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Only Ones Who Know
Someone at work the other day told me that I'm there to get people back into good moods. It's an activity I enjoy, but now I feel a sort of pressure to make sure I keep people smiling whenever they are in my vicinity. Sometimes I wonder if people know how to get me to smile. Steven does-he mentions Brad Pitt and puppies and I'm smiling like it's my birthday or something. With other people, there tend to be a few different ways to reach a smile:
1) Tell a joke. Usually bad.
2) Comment on someone's appearance in a positive way. Usually a new haircut or article or clothing.
3) Do something goofy. Usually a funny expression/face.
4) Use my feminine wiles. Usually just flirting if in the workplace. Also, only with males.
With these four tactics in my arsenal, who can get away from me still in a bad/sad mood?
1) Tell a joke. Usually bad.
2) Comment on someone's appearance in a positive way. Usually a new haircut or article or clothing.
3) Do something goofy. Usually a funny expression/face.
4) Use my feminine wiles. Usually just flirting if in the workplace. Also, only with males.
With these four tactics in my arsenal, who can get away from me still in a bad/sad mood?
Friday, August 03, 2007
Letter To Memphis
I've never done this open letter thing*, but why not, eh?
Dear People Who Have Forgotten The Meaning Of "Excuse Me,"
Say you are standing in a narrow aisle. If someone comes up and says, "Excuse me," you are supposed to get the eff out of the way. You do not own the aisle. I can not, for the life of me, understand why people ignore a polite request to take a step forward or back. I say "Excuse me" if I even walk in front of someone. Get some manners and stop being so rude!
Dear Mother Nature,
My outside correspondent has reported in that it is 99 degrees outside. That is entirely unacceptable. Cool the eff off. I do understand that is is August and you are supposed to be hotter than hell, but if you are going to make me melt now, then please promise me we can have a real Fall this year. You know, actually starting to cool off in September, chilly in October and getting downright cold in November. Thank you.
Dear Corporate Companies,
Numbers do not fall on one person. Grow a backbone and fire the correct people.
Dear So You Think You Can Dance?,
Please please please please be a regular, year-round show. That is all.
Dear Petrol,
If you are cheaper, my life is a whole lot easier and more enjoyable.
Dear UK,
Contact me with an awesome music job. One where I do something like, music history research or even teach clarinet to young children. A music magazine would be hott, too. Email me!
*I don't think.
Dear People Who Have Forgotten The Meaning Of "Excuse Me,"
Say you are standing in a narrow aisle. If someone comes up and says, "Excuse me," you are supposed to get the eff out of the way. You do not own the aisle. I can not, for the life of me, understand why people ignore a polite request to take a step forward or back. I say "Excuse me" if I even walk in front of someone. Get some manners and stop being so rude!
Dear Mother Nature,
My outside correspondent has reported in that it is 99 degrees outside. That is entirely unacceptable. Cool the eff off. I do understand that is is August and you are supposed to be hotter than hell, but if you are going to make me melt now, then please promise me we can have a real Fall this year. You know, actually starting to cool off in September, chilly in October and getting downright cold in November. Thank you.
Dear Corporate Companies,
Numbers do not fall on one person. Grow a backbone and fire the correct people.
Dear So You Think You Can Dance?,
Please please please please be a regular, year-round show. That is all.
Dear Petrol,
If you are cheaper, my life is a whole lot easier and more enjoyable.
Dear UK,
Contact me with an awesome music job. One where I do something like, music history research or even teach clarinet to young children. A music magazine would be hott, too. Email me!
*I don't think.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Push It
The Top Eight Dance!
Sara and Danny:
I think their first dance was smokin'. The Argentine Tango is sexay and hott merely by definition and add in those boots and it ends up being one super cool dance. I do get sick of seeing Danny do turns in every single dance. YES, We know he can do them well. The human pretzel thing was awesome.
I love love loved that they used Salt-N-Pepa for their hip hop. And I don't care what anyone says, those costumes were perfect for the dance. I found some of their moves just too cheesy, though, and I'm not sure if that was the 90s feel or just cheesy moves. I think they should get bonus points for air brushed shirts!
Dominic and Lauren:
In the Krump routine I was excited that they danced to 50 cent! Or 25 Pence as Nigel called him. I loved how the choreography picked out all of those bass beats in the music. Very cool! And I do think Lauren did an awesome job covering up that fall.
I do have to agree that I still don't know what the Rumba is. The dance is really good, but it does seem to be a lot of poses. I don't mind, though, I loved it! Minus the costuming, it reminded me of what could have been an extra scene from Dirty Dancing. And after hours dance, of course. And HOLY HELL they totally kissed at the end of that. That got my vote. Wow!
Lacey and Neil:
Didn't see their first dance bc of the breaking news report. I do think it's important to break in with important news, but they showed it for way too long.
Okay, yes this piece was sentimental and pretty, but the dancing did not catch me. It got me because of seeing the people afterwards who were crying. It seemed as though the judges couldn't have critiqued had they wanted to since it was so special to Mia Michaels.
Sabra and Pasha:
I don't like the Broadway dances. Maybe because I'm not a big fan of musicals with lame dances*. I am also getting sick of Sabra. Yes, she's good, but she's not God's gift and I find myself hoping she gets poor critiques. I like Pasha, but he still doesn't stand out for me.
Sick.of.Sabra. I am glad this Quick Step isn't boring, though. The costumes were great! I think they did a good job with this dance. I never ever ever want to dance a Quick Step.
So who will be sent home tonight? I have NO idea, but my guesses are:
Pasha and Sara (Although I can totally see any of the guys going home, to be honest.)
*I like the ones like Cabaret and Chicago. The more gritty ones.
Sara and Danny:
I think their first dance was smokin'. The Argentine Tango is sexay and hott merely by definition and add in those boots and it ends up being one super cool dance. I do get sick of seeing Danny do turns in every single dance. YES, We know he can do them well. The human pretzel thing was awesome.
I love love loved that they used Salt-N-Pepa for their hip hop. And I don't care what anyone says, those costumes were perfect for the dance. I found some of their moves just too cheesy, though, and I'm not sure if that was the 90s feel or just cheesy moves. I think they should get bonus points for air brushed shirts!
Dominic and Lauren:
In the Krump routine I was excited that they danced to 50 cent! Or 25 Pence as Nigel called him. I loved how the choreography picked out all of those bass beats in the music. Very cool! And I do think Lauren did an awesome job covering up that fall.
I do have to agree that I still don't know what the Rumba is. The dance is really good, but it does seem to be a lot of poses. I don't mind, though, I loved it! Minus the costuming, it reminded me of what could have been an extra scene from Dirty Dancing. And after hours dance, of course. And HOLY HELL they totally kissed at the end of that. That got my vote. Wow!
Lacey and Neil:
Didn't see their first dance bc of the breaking news report. I do think it's important to break in with important news, but they showed it for way too long.
Okay, yes this piece was sentimental and pretty, but the dancing did not catch me. It got me because of seeing the people afterwards who were crying. It seemed as though the judges couldn't have critiqued had they wanted to since it was so special to Mia Michaels.
Sabra and Pasha:
I don't like the Broadway dances. Maybe because I'm not a big fan of musicals with lame dances*. I am also getting sick of Sabra. Yes, she's good, but she's not God's gift and I find myself hoping she gets poor critiques. I like Pasha, but he still doesn't stand out for me.
Sick.of.Sabra. I am glad this Quick Step isn't boring, though. The costumes were great! I think they did a good job with this dance. I never ever ever want to dance a Quick Step.
So who will be sent home tonight? I have NO idea, but my guesses are:
Pasha and Sara (Although I can totally see any of the guys going home, to be honest.)
*I like the ones like Cabaret and Chicago. The more gritty ones.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Dance Macabre
I am finally on the last few chapters of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I've been tackling it since buying it the night it came out, but have not had the time to sit down and really get through it. It's an easy read, but when it's just 15 minutes here and there, it can be tough to really make progress.
But today I actually had the time at home to sit there and read. And read I did. A couple hundred pages and I'm nearing the end too quickly. Yes! Too quickly! I don't want this to be over. Finally a book that had conquered what I dislike so much about stories-they end. This was a series that got longer and more complex as it went on and the books were never a bore for me. Even Sweet Valley University got to be a little much as they went on. Yes, we know they're identical twins with differing personalities so stop insulting our intelligence by telling us the same things over and over. And then books I love that are not a series just break mah heart. Summer Sisters, why must you end?!
I will still refrain from talking about anything specific from HP7 as many people have not yet read it, but I will say that I got to read about something that I really like:)
I guess I should go finish it...
But today I actually had the time at home to sit there and read. And read I did. A couple hundred pages and I'm nearing the end too quickly. Yes! Too quickly! I don't want this to be over. Finally a book that had conquered what I dislike so much about stories-they end. This was a series that got longer and more complex as it went on and the books were never a bore for me. Even Sweet Valley University got to be a little much as they went on. Yes, we know they're identical twins with differing personalities so stop insulting our intelligence by telling us the same things over and over. And then books I love that are not a series just break mah heart. Summer Sisters, why must you end?!
I will still refrain from talking about anything specific from HP7 as many people have not yet read it, but I will say that I got to read about something that I really like:)
I guess I should go finish it...
I hate to use the word fair. I think as an argument it crumbles faster than a poorly-built sandcastle. Maybe it can be blamed on the many episodes of The Practice, LA Law, and Law & Order I've watched, but there's a small part of me that thinks like a lawyer who is trying to create a solid case. I am deliberate in what I say and do 99% of the time so for me to utter the word "fair" when trying to make a case in my favor would be childish.
Sometimes, though, I really want to scream like a five year old, "THAT IS NOT FAIR!" because there are times when really, it's just not. These times usually coincide when I have other things on my mind and can't be bothered to think rationally or am tired and can't find the energy to create a sentence much more complex than, "That is not fair."
I was talking with someone yesterday about a situation that is just...not fair and as we cited the reasons why, we kept coming back to "It's just not fair." It was like the emotional exclamation about the situation. Fair Schmair.
P.S. I <3 Pavement
Sometimes, though, I really want to scream like a five year old, "THAT IS NOT FAIR!" because there are times when really, it's just not. These times usually coincide when I have other things on my mind and can't be bothered to think rationally or am tired and can't find the energy to create a sentence much more complex than, "That is not fair."
I was talking with someone yesterday about a situation that is just...not fair and as we cited the reasons why, we kept coming back to "It's just not fair." It was like the emotional exclamation about the situation. Fair Schmair.
P.S. I <3 Pavement
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