
Saturday, December 29, 2007

Racing Like A Pro

Busy busy busy! I feel like I haven't been home much at all lately and when I am home, I go to sleep. The holidays have been great so far and Santa was very kind to me. Yes, be jealous of the earrings I got from Tiffany. I was also excited for the gifts I gave to friends and family and I hope they all enjoyed them.

Ali's birthday was a lot of fun, too. We took her to The Big Hunt and Lucky Bar in Dupont on the 21st so if you saw a gorgeous young thing with curly hair being dragged around by an equally (but different) gorgeous girl with long straight dark hair who was yelling, 'IT'S HER BIRTHDAY!" then you saw us and we would like to thank you for being there to celebrate her big Two One.

A lot of people do big 2007 wrap up blogs, but at this point, I can't really remember what all went on this year. I mean, of course I remember, but not well enough to write a succinct post. Maybe later I will try. You know, in 2008.


+Title from The National

Monday, December 24, 2007

Line Up

First lines of 2007....


"That was boring! Do it again! TEN, NINE, EIGHT, SEVEN, SIX, FIVE, FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE...HAPPY NEW YEAR (again)!""


"Not only will I be flipping the pages on my Dogs and Scotland calendars today, I will also begin the final countdown to the greatest day of the year. 17 February The birthday of yours truly."


Apparently, all chivalrous men were absent from the metro yesterday morning between 7am and 7:50am."


"This is my favorite shot from my first roll on my new fisheye camera."


"It was about a month ago that Brendan and I were lamenting the fact that no one had a birthday come up since that is usually our reason for having a party."


" I'm on a wire to see your star shine. By 1 am last night I thought to myself, "Do they have anything else to play?" Black Rebel Motorcycle Club played a kick-ass* show last night at the 930 Club."


"In preparation for the upcoming 48 Hour Film Festival that myself and some friends are participating in, Serena, Terra, Lisa, and I headed down to Richmond yesterday evening to do some research on locations."


"I hate to use the word fair."


"It's amazing how things can shape up in a matter of days."


"Dear Mother Nature, It is now not only officially Autumn, but it is now October and highs of 86 degrees are not going to work for me."


"Sometimes my mind works like a comedy show."


"I had a mini-realization a moment ago that maybe my inability to blog is because it is reminding me too much of paper writing and writing papers is the last thing I want to be doing right now."

Going back through some old blogs from this year really reminded me of how well this year shaped up. 2007 is ending on some very high notes and I have even higher hopes for '08.

Merry Christmas, to all!!!


+Title from Aerosmith

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Hazy Shade Of Winter

I am a hard core Blue Moon fan. I get annoyed when there is no orange. My second choice is usually Yuengling or sometimes Heifewiesen. The only beers I will never drink are Guiness and the Scottish one that tastes like food. However, I tend to get Blue Moon or Yuengling. The other day though, probably while watching The Hills, I saw the commercial for Samuel Adams Winter Lager. I am quite familiar with the Sam Adams beers since those are what my guy boos tend to drink the most...and I, of course, always take a sip or two.

Anyway, this commercial. Is. A. Winner. It totally worked in its efforts to make me want to try this new beer. It describes the beer as if it is an extension of winter and if there's one thing I love, it's winter! Check out this description from their website:

The first thing one notices in a Samuel AdamsĀ® Winter Lager is its color: the deep brown of winter. Then comes the magical aroma which promises something special on the tongue. The warm aroma of cinnamon and ginger which blends with the roasty sweetness of the malted barley and hint of citrus from the orange peel. And after that first sip the promise is fulfilled. On the palate Samuel AdamsĀ® Winter Lager is rich and full bodied, robust and warming, a wonderful way to enjoy the cold evenings that come with this season.

So I had my first winter lager last night before heading to the bar and I liked it so much I continued drinking it at happy hour. It is some good yum yum!


Thursday, December 13, 2007

Simple Gifts

It makes me laugh at this time of year because with everyone running around trying to find gifts for friends and family, I feel like every word uttered is going to be taken as a clue for the perfect gift. My sister and I have a running joke from a year when she said to me during the Holidays, "You like Lenny Kravitz, right?" and I caught myself before I said something negative because I was worried that she had gotten me one of his CDs. So instead I said something like, "Um, he's all right...why?" and she started laughing and told me she was just teasing me and knew I wasn't a fan.

But I always think about that joke when it is Christmastime and tend to watch what I say around friends and family. I bought a movie earlier today because it was on sale and I need it, but I don't want to say what it is in case someone got it for me for Christmas. I notice when I say things like, "I want..." and sometimes, when it's appropriate or just plain funny, I clarify that I don't mean I want that item as a gift. It's not like I expect people to be getting me gifts, but let's face it, I know people are and it makes me giggle when I stop myself before saying something like, "I LOVE Slurpees!" because do I really need someone getting a 'great idea' to get me a years supply of Slurpees??*

I think I am fairly easy to shop for since I have countless interests and tend to either like or love most things. Just stay away from the following**:

1. sour cream
2. pastels
3. college basketball/football
4. alto saxophones
5. Ugly Betty


*Although, if that's what you got me for Christmas, I LOVE SLURPEES!;)
**Unless you already got me something related to this list, but if you have then you may not know me very well;)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Haven't Been This Happy

I had a bad dream last night. The type of dream that was so terrible I ended up waking up in tears. It really shook me since I never have sad or scary dreams and I remember waking up and being in the dark, crying. It can be hard to push things like that out of one's mind, but the spy in me can do it well so after a few moments of fear and sadness, I was back asleep. (With normal dreams.)

Except for the horrible dream, everything else in my life has been going incredibly well. I finished grad school. Like, FINISHED it. Done. Forever. (Well, until I get my Arts Management degree.) I even kicked ass at it. I also sort of have a new job. It's the same and new at the same time, but anything new for the ol' resume is good in my book. My social life is also off the hook right now with so much to do and so many people to see that I don't even have time to get bored. It's great having good people around.

And holy hell, my baby girl is turning 21 in seven days!!!! I can't believe my younger sister is going to be old enough to go to bars now. It's AWESOME, though. She's my favorite.


Monday, December 10, 2007

Give It A Day

Have I really not blogged for almost a week?

Does this really not count as a blog?

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

All I Want

The following is the Wish List I will be sending to Sandy Claws. Just to clarify, this is a wish list and I do not expect to receive all of this. Except for Gilmore Girls 7 because it would just be cruel and also because I am Santa's Little Helper* and have already ordered this.

  • Gilmore Girls 7
  • Clothes Steamer
  • The National (CD)
  • Canon DSLR Xti (body only)
  • Dresses
  • Knee high boots
  • Tiffany anything
  • Bracelets
  • Earrings
  • Bullet belt
  • Hot Fuzz (Widescreen DVD)
  • OPI
  • MAC gift card or I can go pick out stuff
  • LAMB perfume
  • Puppy

*Not to be confused with The Simpsons' dog, thankyouverymuch.

Monday, December 03, 2007

I Want You To Stay

I had a mini-realization a moment ago that maybe my inability to blog is because it is reminding me too much of paper writing and writing papers is the last thing I want to be doing right now. So, to get away from that feeling, but to still blog, I present you the following: bullets.

  • It was cold and windy today and I think it improved my mood ten fold when I stepped outside into it this afternoon. Although, to be fair, anytime I clock out and leave work my mood improves.
  • I had a "Night With The Guys" last night. It was fun. I told them not to hold back and to talk about chicks and sports all they wanted. I did object when one started talking about the wonders of the thong and how I should wear one Friday when we all go out. Ummmm, no! He was just teasing, though, to be fair.
  • For some reason, many of the photographs I have that involve cigarettes and smoking have more hits than my other photos. Should this be my "thing"? Note: Not ME smoking.
  • I was told today that I "layered perfectly". That's maybe one of the best things a person could ever tell me.
  • I'm actually about to fall asleep. This list is going to be shorter than I thought!