
Friday, June 09, 2006

Words Get In The Way

Blogography Part 4 of 4!

I hopped on Livejournal in 2003 because that is where most of my friends were and I liked the comment feature and friends page. My friend, who I actually met off of (but not for that reason. Although...well...) gave me one of his codes to get on there because this was before it was free. I wrote on there a lot and oftentimes, quite cryptically. There is a lot in there about living in Richmond, working during the summer, moving back north, and all around general Scarlet-drama stuff. There is a lot about my various crushes but even I can't always be sure what I was writing about back then because I couldn't just come out and say a lot of it. I still write on there sometimes but it's usually just something really random.

Now, I may or may not have other places where I write out there, but of course, I can't tell you. I will say that for someone who is NOT a writer (me!), I sure do write a lot and instead of filling up these blogs or writing cryptically all the time, I may find other places. Maybe.

This blog, SVR, is where I spend the most time. I started this last December when I decided I wanted to get back on Blogger (from LJ) but The 451 Family blog was a mess.

I also have ipodupod which is where I am reviewing every song in my 40GB iPod (although that has since died but the songs are on iTunes anyway so the blog goes on.) It's not something where I try to review a song a day or anything but I'm up to about 45 on there and would love for some more comments on the songs. And believe me, there is something for everyone on there: "indie", rock, pop, classical, (old) country, etc. Check it out!

And rounding out my onlineness (except for all of that stuff under "Me" to the right), is Room For Answers which is where I post all of those stupid surveys or quizzes. Surprisingly, a lot of people read that which I guess is cool since it's just me answering the same questions over and over:)

I hope I didn't forget anything. Let me know if you have any questions!


teahouse said...

Yeah, I know people who have both official and secret blogs. I should probably do that, since I suspect that people from work are reading my blog. But I'm too lazy to maintain more than one.

KassyK said...

I love this...I'm still fairly new (less than 6 months) and starting another blog too but Redhead will stay the main one. Secret blogging...fantastic. I'm a late bloomer but this is great. :-)

dara said...

I have two blogs -- mine and the one with my friends -- but sometimes I want a secret blog so I can vent about work and people without the fear of offending others or getting fired.

Then I eat some chocolate (or today, Five Guys) and usually the feeling passes.

Shannon said...

i have three blogs
mainly because i find myself super funny and therefore everyone else must to!
i have this one that i update sporadically with pics and general commentary on celebs and world stuff...
then myspace which is my wacky spur of the moment personal blog
then on another message group where lately i have been ruminating on modern art pieces...obviously my intellectual blog...

i like it, but i think i am addicted to it mainly because i am in an office pretty much alone all day...

Miss Scarlet said...

Teahouse- Yeah I hope noone from work reads this...I don't talk about them but it would still be weird.

Kassyk- I think it could be cool to have a blog as another persona. Not in a multiple personality way but more in a fiction writing way.

Dara- Venting is totally necessary sometimes!

Shannon- I, too, get bored and then blog. I also have a lot of interests so I want room to blog about them all!

NewYorkMoments said...

I've decided to start a new anonymous one just about work. I used to really enjoy blogging, but since I'm no longer completely anonymous I've lost a bit of interest.

Unknown said...

We're NOT worthy. We're NOT worthy.